Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Power of Prayer

Sometimes I forget to pray. I go for days, sometimes weeks without praying. Eventually, this catches up with me and I start to feel disconnected from my higher self. Or from God. Or from Spirit...whatever. I just know that something isn't right, that I am too much of my problems, my frustrations, my worries, my jealousies, my insecurities... too much of day to day. That's when, something or someone steps in and reminds me to pray.

This time it was the book Trust Your Vibes by Sonia Choquette. I was listlessly reading it, agreeing with some of it, and came upon the chapter about praying. ahhha, that just what I needed to be reminded of. Praying.

It's funny how something as simple as a heartfelt plea to make the day better can work. I don't formally pray. I just ask for God to relieve me of my current negative feelings and thoughts, because I so badly need a break. And my prayers are answered. Except for the one where I win a huge amount of money in a lottery (and I get the feeling God does know what's best for me, and apparently winning a lot of money probably wouldn't be in my best interest. I would actually like to test that theory.)

Now we can get all analytical with this and discuss whether God actually steps in and helps, or it's our subconscious responding to our desire, or it's a placebo effect with prayer being a talisman "make my day better" bingo the day is better.

I don't have the answer, all I know, is that when I resumed praying (for a better day, giving thanks for a better day, asking for guidance) my day got better. And I am more at peace.


Maggie said...

Hmm ... I often equate meditation with praying, as I am usually asking for something or I'm thankful for something when I'm doing it. But I think you're right. Some times it just feels good to have a direct conversation-style prayer with God. :)

Carol said...

Prayer, meditation, reflection, walking in nature, all different ways to achieve peace of mind. Sometimes I forget these tools and that's when life isn't so peaceful.