Saturday, September 11, 2010

Canoing is not for the inexperienced

Hubby and I went to Stratford (Ontario that is) for a meander by the river. While there I came up with the great idea of renting a canoe ($23 dollars of fun and adventure). My intention was to take the back seat(?) so that I could, you know, have a rest now and then while Derek was paddling from the front. The canoe attendant said that the back was intended for the person doing the steering. Derek and I looked at each other and typical of a woman of my generation I DEFERRED to him. I KNOW!! WHAT WAS I THINKING!!! I guess I was thinking that since hubby looks intelligent he must therefore be clever enough to steer a canoe. WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!

Granted he's pretty smart about doing exactly what I tell him to do. He is pretty good at math. He has survived 60 years and done very well for himself. He married me. But when it comes to steering a canoe, well...just let me say this:

I apologize to all the other canoe' rs for that adrenaline rush they must have experienced upon seeing a canoe with a grey haired totally inept oldish but stylish couple seeming to deliberately paddle towards them with the intention of causing a headlong crash. I apologize to the gaggle of ducks who, with snarly quacks, had to take flight to avoid being run over by an out of control canoe. To the people on that mini cruise boat: I don't know why you were shouting and pointing so much, after all, we did not ram into you, we managed to get ourselves turned around and avoid this ugly catastrophe with a good six inches to spare. But I do apologize for scaring you half to death.

Next time, I steer.


Maggie said...

LOL! That's hilarious! Luckily, after many years of summer camp, I have my masters in canoing. I could've given you some tips. ;)

Maggie :D

Carol said...

We sure could have used some tips. It was a fun experience anyhow and, bonus, we are not banned from the park. We'll be there next year, but this time I'll definitely be steering. :D

Anonymous said...

Just think of ALL the fun we had,

Anonymous said...
