Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Humbling Experience

Visited the in-laws tonight. Both are in their 80's and still going pretty strong, though Dad had a nasty virus that knocked him for a loop. Anyway, we were there and they were commenting that the screen on their new computer (state-of-the-art flat screen, unlike my old clunker) was too bright and it bothered their eyes. So I said that they could adjust the brightness, and adjusted it for them. Felt pretty much like a genius, showing the in-laws how to "make that nasty screen easier on the eyes", awwww they're so cute, didn't know about the brightness button. How clever I was, how righteously smarter-than-smart!

Ego still inflated, I went into the spare bedroom with mom-in-law to check out the food cabinet and there, in it's full outstanding blazing glory was my pater-in-law's model train set that he is working on. "Model train set" are not words that justify this amazing work of art and technology. It's a small village, a reproduction of Wallsend in England of past, complete with houses, fire house, churches, schools (all painstakenly put together) 5 or 6 railroad tracks, a tunnel through a mountain, working trains, landscaping (a winter scene), and that's just for starters. Look underneath the table (easily 8 x 8 feet) and you see a mass of electronic wiring to rival something at NASA (ok I may be exaggerating, but you get my meaning). This is not a model train set this is a MODEL TRAIN SET. I cannot imagine the amount of planning and hours that went into the construction of this work of genius - I tell you, my jaw dropped. Ego is now deflated.

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