Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Skinny Bitch book

Just got done reading "Skinny Bitch" by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. The title led me to believe this was just another "go on a diet so you can be as skinny as a model" piece of crap. I was wrong. This is an in-your-face, informational book on eating the right foods vs eating what all of us non-vegan eat all the time. These ladies do not mince words when it comes to telling it like it is: "Coffee is for pussies. Think about how widely accepted it has become that people need coffee to wake up. You should not need anything to wake up, if you can't wake up without it, it's because you are either addicted to caffeine, sleep deprived, or a generally unhealthy slob." (excerpt from pg 15 "Skinny Bitch"). They then list what caffeine can do to you, not a pretty picture. The book then goes on to describe how meat and dairy products are not good for you. Scary facts. Then Rory and Kim describe the conditions which cows, pigs and chickens live in, and what happens in slaughterhouses...for those of us who get queasy easily, and in this case even not so easily, Chapter 4, Chapter 6 and parts of Chapter 9 are definitely chapters you may want to avoid reading. Very disturbing. The rest of the book gives good information on the nutrients we need and what foods contain them, and there is even a month's worth of 3 meals a day menu examples for our use. As I am writing this blog, I am guzzling a can of pop, but now I'm not enjoying it as much as I used to. Damn.
Note: This is not a book to read if you don't like swear words. To me, it just adds to the charm.

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