Friday, August 29, 2008

The Day Before the Barium Enema Test (aka Hell Day)

Today I had a barium enema test done. No fun at all, see previous blog. Yesterday wasn't so great. I had to take laxatives and then drink that weird fizzy drink to clear my bowels out completely. All I could have was clear juices, jello and clear broth. By two o'clock in the afternoon, I was going crazy with hunger. I checked my prep instructions again to see if I had misunderstood the food restrictions. the List said: Restriction to clear liquids the day prior to procedure. Hmmmm...did that mean only clear liquids with my meals as opposed to milk? It was possible I had misunderstood the instructions. To be sure, I called the phone number provided at the bottom of my list.

Here's how the conversation went:

Me: Hi, I'm have a barium enema done tomorrow and I just wanted to be clear on the food restrictions.

Woman Who Answered the Phone: You are restricted to a clear liquids diet the day before your test.

Me: Does that mean I can't have food.

W.H.A.T.P: It means that you are restricted to a clear liquids diet for the day, and nothing to eat or drink after midnight.

Me: uh unh. So....I can only drink clear liquids, no food, right?

W.H.A.T.P: I means you are to have only clear liquids. You can also have jello if you wish.

Me: So... no toast or anything.

W.H.A.T.P. (with incredible patience): That's right dear, just liquids.

Me: Okay, Thanks

W.H.A.T.P: No problem. Bye

Hunger makes me stupid.

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