Friday, August 8, 2008

The Secret

When I first read The Secret I thought what a load of simplistic crap--knee jerk reaction I know. It's premise is: focus on what you want and you will get it. Visualize it and it will happen, blah blah blah.

Well, I want to be a published author of supernatural fiction, but after a few false starts I realized I wasn't getting anywhere in the world of authorship. Didn't really have a story outline or anything. I don't think I'm very good at sentence structure. Ernest Hemingway is not in my blood. So much for visualizing me finishing a super great novel. Booooo The Secret.

But wait a minute. I'm writing this blog...6 months ago I didn't even know what blogs were, much less that I'd be writing one.

OK, so I'm not writing a best selling fiction novel (Dean Koontz does not have to worry about competition from me...yet).

OK I'm not published, but there are people reading this blog. Well, my family reads this blog, sometimes.

OK The Secret's law of attraction theory didn't quite work out the way I visualized, but I am writing, people are reading this (at least there is a potential that people outside my family will read this) and most important of all, I am really enjoying blogging (using my creative juices, pulp and all).

Maybe there is something to the Secret after all.

There is a saying "Do what you love, the money will follow" we'll see...

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