Saturday, April 11, 2009

Family get-togethers

Held Easter dinner on Good Friday (yesterday) That way the whole combined family, except for 2 grandsons who were at their mom's, was able to gather at our house. My three young adults Rob, Laura, and her boyfriend John, and Julie; Derek's 2 sons, Dave with daughter-in-law Kim and grand-daughter Avery, Stephen and girlfriend Jen. And Derek's mom and dad. Full house. Good times.

Now, though I may be good at many things (I'm a champion napper) there are certain things that I don't consider myself to be that proficient at. Cooking is one of those things. I always worry that things will go wrong. In this case - would the ham be too salty? Would the scalloped potatoes cook on time, would my coleslaw be too moist or worse too dry.

So I asked my Angels to help me out. I needed energy, I needed a good sense of timing (remember to put the rolls in the oven to give them a chance to warm up- but not too soon because we don't want giant croutons), I needed to remember to serve the coffee during dessert, not 15 minutes after dessert was eaten as is my usual way. I called on the cooking angels, the organizational angels, the angels of calmness. And you know, I think they helped me. I had way more stamina than I should have had, I didn't get overly confused, coffee was served on time, and all my cooking was actually delicious, well at least edible. Thank you angels.


Anonymous said...

I didn't see a thank you husband who slaved away at your beck and call all day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter, Carol! How wonderful to have 'cooking angels'!! Wonder if I have any? *prays*

Carol said...

Sure you do, you just have to ask for their help. However, my housework angels seem to be unavailable today, as I can't seem to get motivated to clean house.

Anonymous said...

I have my step-grandson today. I need a potty-training angel. ;)

Linda Pendleton said...

Our angels are always around us.