Saturday, May 16, 2009

Definitions of Prosperity

Prosper: to be successful or fortunate, esp. in financial respects; thrive; flourish (courtesy of

I felt very prosperous today. For many reasons.

1) I met my sales goal for the day (we're not talking a huge sum of money here, but I did OK today).

2) Sheilha who is a medium and channeller was at my store, Moonstone Path, to answer any questions about the workshop on Chakras she will be holding later this week. While she was there, a young couple came in and Sheilha was able to provide comfort and reassurance to the woman who is going through a VERY tough time.

3) A friend of mine who has been on the spiritual path for a long time and has come through the "darkness of the soul" many times met Sheilha and they found that they had a lot in common and so a strong friendship has developed.

4) I love it when Moonstone Path is a meeting ground for people who may not have known each other otherwise. It's a wonderful energy.

5) I am very grateful to be part of all this.

I feel very prosperous today.


Anonymous said...

Darn, I would've liked to have met her. I see she's going to be a speaker at a Seeker's meeting. Maybe I'll go then. And good for you for meeting your sales goal!!! :)

Anonymous said...

(Sort of related to the topic) I am so happy that this store has opened up in Byron! Its nice to have items like this so close to home instead of having to traipse across town in order to find them, or having to order online! While I have yet to visit the store (mainly because I keep forgetting) I will definitely be coming in on Thursday to purchase one of your salt tea-light holders! So thank you very much for coming to Byron! We needed you!

Carol said...

Thank you for your kind words. We love it here in Byron.

Carol said...

Sorry you missed Sheilha. There's a possibility that she will be doing readings on our back patio sometime this summer. I'll be sure to announce it on the blog and Moonstone Path's website.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that would be *so* cool! :D