Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Things I learned about hemorrhoids

1. It's not a fun condition.

2. If it's REALLY painful and bigger than a grape, don't wait a few days before going to see your doctor.

3. You won't enjoy seeing your doctor, because he will probably recommend lancing said hemmi at which point you will burst into tears of sheer terror.

4. It is not a good idea to ask your doctor if he is sure he knows what he's doing.

5. It's a bad idea to ask more than 6 times. But you will ask, you just can't help it.

6. The local anesthetic needle isn't as painful (or as big) as you feared. Try not to think about it.

7. The lancing procedure is fine because you are frozen, your anxiety level is returning to normal, the relief from relentless pain is pure bliss. You want to buy your doctor a car, you are so grateful for the relief.

8. The bliss experience is short, however, and when the freezing comes out, you guessed it, more pain. You want to be home, on the couch with your blankie and some pain killers (which may or may not work). Distracting yourself with a good movie is a must at this point.

9. You feel as if you will never see your sense of humour eveeeeer again.

10. You feel heroic. Why? I really don't know, but you feel heroic.

11. Metamucil becomes your best friend.

12. Your sense of humour returns.

13. Life goes on.


Maggie said...

Oh, you poor thing. Get better soon! *hugs*

Carol said...

Thanks, I am feeling better thank goodness.

Anonymous said...

Hemi---A big powerfull engine. And you came through like a small engine getting stronger each day. I'm proud of you.