Saturday, January 23, 2010


Unless you have been living on another planet, you are aware of the devastation occurring in Haiti. The hardship facing the residents of Port-au-Prince is unimaginable to someone living in Canada, though the media has been quite descriptive so maybe it is possible to somewhat imagine the horrendous time that these unfortunate people are going through.

My gratitude and admiration to all who have given their time and and left their comfortable homes to tend to the many victims. They are my heroes.

Like most, we have donated money to the Red Cross so that they can continue giving their much needed help.

One more thing I have done is send loving and healing thoughts and prayers to the people of Haiti. I hope that they are somehow comforted in their hour of need, I pray that each one has enough to eat and good water to drink, and I cheer every bit of good news I hear about the good works that have been going on so far.

God bless them all.


Maggie said...

Yes, I so agree! I pray that out of this devastation, Haiti will finally get the real help it has so desperately needed all along. I was so proud of North Americans on Friday night, as I watched both telethons and saw how much ordinary people donated. I truly felt the Divine unity of all our souls.

Carol said...

I am in awe of the bravery that these people have shown. It's nice to know that people are generous with their support for those in time of need.

Anonymous said...

i am in shock and send out my spiritual vibes to those in suffering
Peter from