Thursday, July 31, 2008

Miniature Golfing

Mephistopheles (aka Derek) talked me into going miniature golfing last night. Now, I'm the type of person that once supper is over and the dishes are done, all I want to do is become a couch potato for the rest of the night. I'm not proud of this, but that's the way I am. Anyway, after weaseling out of mini golf a couple of times already this summer, I dragged myself to this one with the attitude that it was going to be a couple of hours out of my life, and I could then resume my couch potato lifestyle. Turns out we had a lot of fun. I got to tease hubby on the fact that I tied his score (until he re-added and bested me by 2 points). That didn't matter, what's important was that he golfs though not often. I never golf. I have no sport acumen whatsoever, I suck at all sports, and the fact that he only beat me by 2 measly points doesn't look good on him. I'm definitely sure that the next time we play, I will emerge the winner, my new strategy being not whacking the ball with all my might and hoping it doesn't bounce out of the game. I'm a quick learner. Needless to say, when I win, I will gloat big time. Can't wait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The key word is "win" or should that be key words are "when I win"