Friday, January 23, 2009

Debit Machines do not bite.

Got my debit/credit machine activated shortly after we opened our (by our I mean MY) store. I had not used a debit machine (as a vendor) in a long time, and remembering only the unfortunate occasions that I screwed up at the last retail place I worked, I felt a little nervous about this little bit of store technology.

My youngest child was in the store and I was showing her the ropes because she was going to mind the store later on in the week. When it came to the subject of the debit machine, we both stared at it as if it would jump up and bite us like a rattlesnake. It looked so threatening sitting there on the counter, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to ruin our feeling of well-being.

As it happened, Julie's friend decided to buy something (bless his heart) and used his debit card. With breath held, we processed the transaction...and it failed. I KNEW IT!! TECHNOLOGY DOES NOT LIKE ME. After a moment of panic, and frantically looking up instructions, we retried the transaction, and it worked fine. The money even automatically transfered to my bank account, which means I don't have to do a batch thing. Goody.

I have since then done another debit transaction and it was smooth sailing. I feel like a pro. Now I worry about those credit cards with a chip in them.
Affirmation: I am capable of handling a rattlesnake--I mean a debit machine--without getting bit (bitten?).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

by our I mean MY) store??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????